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Prep For Eurovision

Eurovision is coming to the UK

When you think of Eurovision it is normally filled with disappointment and nil points. However, 2023 brings excitement as eurovision is heading to the UK. Should you be lucky enough to be located near the host city Liverpool, we expect plenty of Eurovision themed menu’s. However, the Eurovision buzz will flood the UK this year so it does not matter your location.

Obvious Menu Options

With 37 Countries competing and 26 making it to the final, it may be tough to do a dish per country. But if you have hot dogs, it’s simple to have different toppings to depict each country. Our obvious first choice is the currywurst hot dog topped for Germany. Or a cheesy pizza dog for Italy. Let your imagination run wild and see how many you can come up with.

Holubtsi for Ukraine

In honour of the rightful hosts Ukraine, add a take on a Ukrainian traditional dish for your Eurovision menu. Personally, we like the idea of Holubtsi, cabbage rolls stuffed with a blend of meat, rice and onions served in a delicious tomato sauce with sour cream. Either make as it, or why not make a hot dog option? Cabbage roll, stuffed with a Pork Hot Dog, served with tomato sauce. Maybe serve a Beef Hot Dog with a topping of cabbage, onion, tomato sauce and sour cream. Again there are many options to choose from, perfect chance to be inventive.

Embrace Eurovision

Eurovision may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but 2023 is the year to embrace the cheesy competition. Whether you do a menu to feature specialities from around Europe. Or you do a special points system, obviously we hope nothing gets nil points. But this is your chance to become inventive and unleash your imaginations. Remember no matter your hot dog need, we are here. But most importantly make sure you are Eurovision ready by the 9th May.